Sunday, April 12, 2009

OK now, after about... I think 5 hours of driving from the end edge of Nebraska into Wyoming, we are in the midst of Wyoming and its beginning to rain a bit. We started to see some small mountains a little after we came into Wyoming. Its stayed around 50 out but its been really windy and there seems to be large areas where there is still a significant amount of snow on the ground. The rain doesn't seem to be too bad, it already seems to be slowing a bit. Its like sprinkling out. Oh now its picking up again.

The landscape has been beautiful the whole time. Each section has something going for it. The flat farmlands were pertty, but they got a little tiresome after a while. Then in Nebraska we started seeing spprawling landscapes with rolling hills. It was really beautiful. Now we are getting into areas with mountains every now and again.

So this leg... from Alliance NE to Tanopah NV, will be about 14 hours. We are trying to keep better track of our time when we stop so we aren't like 2 hour behind like last night. So far its been about 35 min. and hopefully not much more. We are also crossing another time zone before Tanopah so that will make up the difference from stopping.

We've seen alot of cows on in Nebraska and Wyoming. Before that it seemed like mostly corn fields and now we are seeing Cow Ranches and stuff, but it's really just big huge fenced in areas that cows are wandering around in. No buildings really at all. We also saw two places with Windmill feilds. They weren't huge but there were like maybe 20 or so in each, that we could see. There was also some oil feilds with several oil pumps going.

So yeah that's all I can think to write about now for some reason. Lindsey is more comfortable writing in the car than I am I think and her posts are usually more interesting. I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

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